Denis Hogan. Booking Agent. Promoter. Legend.

Seen to the left of The Strums' drum is Denis Hogan. Chances are, if you've seen a band at the Crowbar, been taken on a punk show boat ride or caught some awesome bands at 4ZZZ car park recently, Denis was most likely the man behind the event. He's not just someone who loves Brisbane music, he actively tours, supports and promotes bands throughout Australia, while holding down a day job and supporting the legendary Crowbar as Booking Agent Assistant.

The next one [Boatrocker] is already in the works..Already have a headliner that will make you shit your pants! Having this band on a boat will be INSANE
— Denis Hogan

Theory of Flight, Standalone and Open For Inspection are 3 bands that played Denis' 18th boatcruise birthday, from those beginnings to booking jam packed weekenders that support the tours of national bands, Denis has stepped up and become one of the most recognisable and solid supporters of the local music scene, "I still don't know How? or the Why?... It all started with just touring bands from Sydney and Melbourne. On the long weekends, I always try to book them more than one show for the bands that come up...It all just rolled out from that."

What's the most challenging thing about being a promoter? Laughing he admits,  "I used to book a lot of shows at Fat Louie's, the first couple of shows I'd end up helping out with the backline... You do it once, and then you become that guy who gets the backline together, which I don't mind so much...  I have a stockpile of  a couple of extra cabs, and a drum kit on the way, just to make it easier for bands, especially touring bands - Making it easier on everyone, including myself!"

You were concerned before the Easter Weekend that someone would end up overboard and enjoy the delightful Brisbane River during Crowbar Boatrocker..."With Goon on the Rocks playing the Boatrocker, I was a little worried, cos I know how they like to party. But thankfully, everyone looked out for each other, and it was a great arvo."

"The next one is already in the works! Already have a headliner that you'll make you shit your pants! Having this band on a boat will surely be INSANE."

Denis is an integral part of Brisbane music, after a question of How the scene has changed over the last 12-18 months? He pays homage to somewhere that has given bands opportunities and hosted some of the world's major artists, "When it comes to Brisbane, Crowbar has everything to do with it. Being around nearly 3 years now, that place gives everyone a go from bands starting out to massive international acts." 

Outlining just one of the major gigs that have gone down and some of the bands you should catch live at Crowbar he adds, "Hell! The Bronx played 2 nights there! But it also comes down the bands in the scene too, locals like Release the Hounds, Goon on the Rocks, Army of Champions, Flangipanis the list goes on!"

Continuing to explain the way it all works, the Promoter makes a point of how a place to be is only as good as it's people, "Brisbane has some of the best people in this scene, people like Liam Edward who doesn't shut up how good Brisbane is and rightly so, Pop Gilmore and  Jodie Lawlor constantly lugging their PAs around Brisbane for shows, Chris Hunter, Chris Converse and Danika Elhers on the airways every week playing tunes and telling us where we need to be every weekend...And there's everyone that rocks up to a show every week too, the Brisbane crew is tight!"

To help narrow it down for you, we asked Denis to name his top 10 recordings, something he found tricky to say the least, "Whoa.... How am I gonna answer this one....? There's so many! I don't really have a top 10 so to speak of, but here's some I can't stop spinning....

Any and every Scumguts release! And every Bennies release EVER!!!!

...I could go on forever..."

And the bands you shouldn't miss if they land in our part of town? "This is gonna be another long list! Of course my guys and girl in Army of Champs (One of the best bands in Australia). Those absolute party legends in Goon on the Rocks...In your face wall of noise Release the Hounds. Flangipanis, never bad time with those mates. Newish dudes from a zillion other bands Greyface, thrashers Malakyte, HC punx Driven Fear, death punx Povarotti, grim grind doomers Scumguts and the totally underrated The Mercy Beat.

...there's heaps more, go to show. see some bands!"


Words by Kenada Quinlan